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Dearest One
Once upon a time, in small city had the journey girl to sought knowledge. The girl as a guy and she also liked with blackmetal music event but she normal girl. When she met the guy in raining day, they didn’t attracted because the guy was having a girlfriend. Beginning from borrow his motorcycle, so they changed phone number. Sometimes, he sent short message to her, but she answered his message so careless. Although the girl as guy but many guy liked her. Because, she was fascinating, didn’t be friends to each other. For girl or guy friends had same but sometimes she more liked guy friends because a girl had sensitive and liked gossip cause resentment.
One day, the guy began diligent send short message to the girl. At midnight, she received short message about love from the guy. So, she confused because had two guys were nearing her. She had remembered about her words and she didn’t want relation with friends in her school. She prevented the guy and that first time the guy can refusaled from a girl.
Then, the guy invited the girl for satnight in neighbor city. They went to place where many stars can seen and he had spoken about love again. His voice had gentle as if make the girl want received his love. The following day, she said, “yes” for the guy.First year she relation with the guy, all seen fine.But, they relation full with liying. She thought, true love had in novel Habibie and Ainun. The guy was loving his ex-girlfriend. And she already let fall her heart to the guy.  Every day, if the guy had a homework in school, she had done that. She already liked assistant the guy but she cared because she had chosen the guy. Many thing had broken her, as different characters so far from the guy ex-girlfriend but she had been believing the guy would be loving her who knows that.
When came October month, where that month of them extraction. She born 15 October, and the guy 23 October, hadn’t birthday cake or romantic words. He invited the girl to her favorite food place. He didn’t romantic and interested her, she gotten gift didn’t name card and the gift so bad, realy didn’t orderly and maybe must made be pretty to given for girl. After that, the guy birthday she had been drawing expression card to the guy, and she made once month before his birthday. Then, she also made video about the guy. She bought the guy favorite snack and enter handwatch to snack with card expression inscribed “from your girl”. When first anniversary, she made pop-up for the guy about them capture was beginning child until now, loving expression her and prayed with capture small house, the girl, the guy and them child.
Second year, he had begun love the girl and began forgotten his ex-girlfriend. Every day, more beautiful. He also invited the girl to came in his home and know his parents, grandmother and grandfather from his mother. Because she often came to grandmother’s house so they were nearing. And his grandmother said, “I bless you if you and he same loving”. And she very happy. Lastly, they together until now and difficult been separating because love but one another depending and needing. And she wish, life together with the guy until life the end not story the end.


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